
Monday, May 23, 2011

Reason To ride A bike to work :)

Live longer: live longer

Inspiring numbers to get you on your bike

You don't need us to tell you that getting on your bike is a good idea, you can do the maths for yourself. With the physical, financial and environmental benefits, you'll soon find out cycling really does add up
  • 20 times less dangerous than not cycling
  • 97% chance of not getting rained on
  • Twice as fast as a car in traffic
  • 4 miles is the average cycle commute
  • RM1000 a year to boost the economy for every new cyclist
  • At current rates, 60% of the population will be obese by 2050
  • A bike takes 6.2 tonnes less carbon than a car to make
  • 10 bikes can be parked in the space it takes to park one car
  • A middle-aged cyclist is typically as fit as someone 10 years younger
  • 16 mile commute = 800 calories. That's 4 bags of crisps or 12 fig rolls or 6 bananas or 6 cans of coke
  • 60% of car trips are shorter than 5 miles

Info from